Take Your Website to The Next Level with Suki Pro
Upgrade your websites with more awesome features in
Only $59 for unlimited websites
Powerful Modules Inside
More features — more options — more awesome!
Layout Modules
Header Elements Plus
Build more advanced and stunning header layout with some new additional elements.
- + 2 Menus
- + 2 HTMLs
- + 2 Buttons
- + Contact Links
- + WooCommerce Search

Vertical Header
Show your header elements vertically stacked using Vertical Header with 4 available layouts:
- Fixed panel on left or right side
- Sliding drawer panel from left or right side (triggered via toggle)
- Sliding off-canvas panel from left or right side (triggered via toggle)
- Full screen panel (triggered via toggle)
Transparent Header
Merge your header sections seamlessly with the page content and use stunning transparent background color.
- Activate on desktop and mobile header
- Use custom transparent logo and colors
- Enable globally or only on specific pages

Sticky Header
Make the header section stay visible and accesible wherever the users scroll through the page.
- Choose which header section to be sticky
- Activate on desktop and/or mobile header
- Show permanently or hide on scroll
- Change logo and colors when sticky
- Shrink section height and add shadow
- Enable globally or only on specific pages
Alternate Header Colors
Use different header color scheme that fits into the contrast of the page content.
- Enable only on specific pages that needs right contrast
- Apply on desktop and/or mobile header
- Change logo and colors

Header Mega Menu
Display an engaging dropdown menu with multi-columns layout and insert any kind of content that you want inside it.
- Add unlimited columns inside
- Set dynamic width for each column
- Use Gutenberg or page builders to create your mega menu dropdown content
Footer Columns Width
Create more fluid footer widgets design that looks beautiful across many different screen sizes. You can set dynamic columns width on desktop and mobile devices.
- Set dynamic width for each column
- Set different column width for tablet and mobile screens

Preloader Screen
Impress your visitors right from the beginning even when the page is still loading.
- Choose loader styles: spinner, progress bar, or progress image
- Enable globally or only on specific pages

Custom Blocks (Hooks)
Insert additional custom content on your page. The possibilities are endless!
- Insert into Suki's template hooks
- Insert into WordPress original hooks and 3rd party plugin's hooks
- Insert using shortcode
- Display globally or only on specific pages
- Visible for all visitors or just specific users
- Show or hide on desktop, tablet, or mobile

Assets & Branding Modules
Custom Fonts
Upload as many custom fonts as you want to use in your design. Make your typography more stand out with your favorite fonts.
- Upload as many custom fonts as you want
- Support all formats: woff2, woff, ttf, svg, eot
- Support all variants: 100 - 900 and italic
- Integrated with Customizer options
- Integrated with Gutenberg
- Integrated with Elementor

Custom Icons
Replace theme’s default icons with your custom icons. You can also add more social icons for the social links widget/element.
- Replace theme's default icons
- Add new social media icons
- Upload SVG icon format

White Label
Building websites for clients? You can replace all Suki original branding with your own personal or company branding.
- Replace all Suki and Suki Pro branding with your own company branding.
- Hide all the original branding panels in admin pages

Blog Modules
Blog Layout Plus
Enhance your blog page with the new additional layout options.
- New blog page layout: List
- New single post layout soon
- More blog features soon

Blog Featured Posts
Let your visitors easily find out the best content on your website using an attractive slider, carousel, or grid layout.
- Handpick the featured posts as many as you want
- Display featured posts in slider, carousel, or grids layout.

Blog Related Posts
Reduce bounce rates and encourage your visitors to read some relevant contents on your website.
- Show relevant posts based on similar categories and/or tags
- Show only recently published posts for more fresh content suggestion
- Cached results for faster performance and efficient memory usage

WooCommerce Integration Modules
WooCommerce Layout Plus
Empower your WooCommerce store with more engaging and high-converting features that helps boosting your sales.
- More product gallery layouts
- More products grid options
- Product alternate hover image
- Set unique and dynamic product layout on each product page

WooCommerce Product Quick View
Allow your customers get a quick look of any product details without opening the actual product page.
- Enable on all types of products grid, like the main products catalog, related products, cross-sells, etc.
- Support AJAX Add to Cart
WooCommerce AJAX Add to Cart
Let your customers adding products to cart with fast and smooth effects without reloading the product page.
- Adding products to cart without reloading the product page
- Highlight header cart after products added to cart
WooCommerce Off-Canvas Filters
Let your customers find the products they love using filter widgets inside the smooth sliding off-canvas panel.
- Smooth sliding animated off-canvas panel
- Support all WooCommerce filter widgets
- Customizable position and styles
WooCommerce Checkout Optimization
Make your cart and checkout processes easier and faster for your customers to get higher sales conversion.
- Sticky checkout button on cart page for mobile view for faster checkout
- Distraction-free checkout page

Small Size — Huge in Performance
More than 400 new options introduced on Suki Pro, yet it doesn’t hurt your website’s performance at all.
Less Than 10KB Resources
With all the new features enabled, Suki Pro only adds very tiny amount of resources on the frontend.
Still... No jQuery
Just like Suki theme, Suki Pro doesn't require jQuery and only uses the clean and fast Vanilla JS too!
Resources Management
Only the enabled modules are loaded to keep the memory usage as optimum as possible.
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